Reviewed by Serpil ACIKALIN
Author: Timucin Kodaman
Publisher: Asil Yayin Dagitim
Place of Publication: Ankara
Published in: 2007
After Syria gained its independence, its relations with Turkey passed from different stages. In the relationship, two country's neighborliness and common history have costed long tense years and a broken connection. The Turkey-Syria relationship in process of recovery in 2000s became a precedent for Turkey's relations with its other neighbors and two country's economic improvement, building of high level trust led to connection and touristic activities between two people as well.
In his book, Euphrates -Syria Issue and its Effect to Turkish-Syrian Relationship, author Timucin Kodaman handles factors affected the two countries for long years. The book comprises four chapters. In the first chapter of Water and its Strategic Importance, Kodaman talks on the water's role in the establishment of civilizations in the region of Nile and Mesopotamia and highlights that particularly since the last quarter of 20th century, international organizations' decisions on the water policies and share of transboundary water demonstrate the increasing importance of the issue.
In the first chapter titled Water and its Strategic Importance, Kodaman talks on changing amount of water supply in the history increasing demand depending on the urbanization and increase of population. Moreover he says that Tigris and Euphrates also led to conflicts and rivalries between Ottomans and Europeans in history as well as their contributions to improve of civilizations.
In the chapter titled Transboundary Waters in International Law, author gives definitions on rivers and explains different views on the water sharing issue between countries in the international law. In the chapter author says that in the case of Turkey's join to EU, it will be a side of Helsinki agreement and the issue will be important in the Union in future, and he highlights that Turkey must come to an agreement on the issue in the process of membership and on the diplomatic level.
In the third chapter of Euphrates- Tigris Rivers and Turkey and Syria's Water Potentials and Use, author furnishes us with information on birth and passing places of two rivers and countries' water contributions to the rivers. While Iraq and Syria are highly depended on the rivers Turkey's dependence relatively less but within the context of GAP Project, Turkey's need to water has been gradually increasing. Kodaman says that total amount of demands to water from the countries is more than total supply and there is a need to measure the potentials and use of water. While Turkey's aim is to complete 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric plants and improve watering systems as a part of GAP Project planned to be finished in 2010, Syria's dependence on Euphrates, particularly for agriculture and industry, creates a problem for the country. Author argues that both Turkey and Syria's aim is to decrease import of oil by setting up dams, however Syria is concerned of the decrease of water from Euphrates because of Gap Project. Turkey's Peace Water Project introduced in the term of Turgut Ozal and including constructing of pipelines for West-East line and distribution of water was not found acceptance by other countries considered though Turkey would try to affect the region's countries by using water as a tool.
In the last chapter under the title of Turkey-Syria Relations and Water Issue, Turkey-Syria relations are evaluated in historical context and three important cases have been explained by author. These are Hatay issue, support of terrorism by Syria and water issue between two countries. Compare to past years both countries have advanced on the three issues in 2000s. On the water issue, author explains Turkey's agreements and protocols which have been signed since 1920s and he presents Turkey's and Syria's theses on the issue.
Timucin Kodaman's book explains the Turkish-Syrian relations on the basis of water context and it is beneficial to give information about historical process and information on the using of water in international arena. In the appendix section at the end of the book he gives international bases for the use of waterlines and Tigris - Euphrates Chronology. Considering the projections of the author related to Iraq war's effect and long-term solutions for water issue it is unavoidable for Turkey to implement new projects on the issue. The book is advised because of its short analyses on the basic issues between Turkey and Syria.
about book:
After Syria gained its independence, its relations with Turkey passed from different stages. In the relationship, two country's neighborliness and common history have costed long tense years and a broken connection. The Turkey-Syria relationship in process of recovery in 2000s became a precedent for Turkey's relations with its other neighbors and two country's economic improvement, building of high level trust led to connection and touristic activities between two people as well.
In his book, Euphrates -Syria Issue and its Effect to Turkish-Syrian Relationship, author Timucin Kodaman handles factors affected the two countries for long years.
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