26 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi

How Will Turkey’s New Position Affect Its Relations with the US, Syria and Israel?

After the increased tensions and many problems we have had with Israel following the 2009 Gaza attacks, we find ourselves today at the nadir of the relationship between Israel and Turkey. Although Turkey has criticized Israel’s regional policies from time to time since the mid-1960s, it has never been this strong rhetorically. This was also the first time that Turks were killed by the Israelis.

In fact, the last Marmara flotilla event also presented an opportunity for Turkey to test her ability to persuade the international community. Yet, since the Marmara flotilla events, the failure to even establish an impartial commission and the increased tensions with the US and Israel have been narrowing Turkey’s room to manoeuvre.

From Turkey’s perspective, it has been thought that its long-standing good relations with Iran and Syria have contributed to the region’s stability, and as a consequence this situation has ensured Turkey’s domestic security and economic improvement. Since the 2000s Turkey has not been opposed to Syria. The US and the international community didn’t like Turkey’s position towards Syria for a long time. Yet, in the last decade the US and the international community have began to soften their language towards Syria. Today, Turkey thinks that Iran’s position is also not very different from Syria’s past position. Turkey thinks that it helped to change the international community’s perception towards Syria. Thus, Turkey thought that Syria might be seen as an example, and that Turkey might play an important role to similarly engage and transform Iran. Yet, the point is that Iran and Syria have different characteristics in the eyes of Western countries and other countries in the region, and Turkey could not understand this at first...............http://www.turkishweekly.net/op-ed/2709/how-will-turkey%E2%80%99s-new-position-affect-its-relations-with-the-us-syria-and-israel.html

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